弗朗西斯can Studies, 神学, and Applied Ethics

What is 弗朗西斯can Studies, 神学, and Applied Ethics?

The Department of 弗朗西斯can Studies, 神学, and Applied Ethics (FTAE) exists in order to guide students through the consideration of life’s fundamental and ultimate questions, 如:
  • 上帝存在吗??

  • How do we assess competing faith claims about God?

  • Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

  • Can we distinguish between good and evil human acts?

  • Is there an ultimate purpose to human life?

  • Is there life after death?

Our faculty are experts in theology and philosophy. We teach core courses on St. 弗朗西斯 of Assisi and Catholic theology, Philosophy, and Ethics. We also provide upper-level electives, teach in 校园部’s 阿尔塔通过 program, and run the Wolf-Kuhn Ethics Institute.


close up image of iron gates into gardens

为什么要学习FTAE ??

Our courses are designed to give students

  • an understanding of the facts of the Catholic, 弗朗西斯can theological, 哲学 and ethical traditions,

  • the analytical thinking skills that are needed to think thoroughly about life’s greatest metaphysical and moral questions.

Students who complete our courses will be intellectually prepared to devote their lives to the truths that matter the most: the truth about God, the sanctity of human life, the goodness of creation, and the eternal destiny to which the human person is called.
St. 弗朗西斯 of Assisi abandoned the pursuit of worldly glory in order to seek God and to serve Christ in his least brothers and sisters (Mtt. 25:40). 灵感来自St. 弗朗西斯’ example, our classes teach students how to pursue God through faith and reason as well as through the practice of loving service to their neighbors.
Through their FTAE courses, students are prepared to serve God and neighbor in whatever profession they enter. Our department ensures that the medical, 科学, 业务, 政治, and artistic leaders of tomorrow have been well formed in the theological, 哲学, and ethical values of the Catholic and 弗朗西斯can traditions.


欧宝体育app入口的天主教徒 & 弗朗西斯can Character

St. 弗朗西斯 of Assisi dedicated his life to knowing and serving Jesus Christ, the crucified and risen Lord. Christ called St. 弗朗西斯 to rebuild his Church through preaching and works of mercy. St. 弗朗西斯 drew strength for his mission from devotion to the Eucharist and a life of 祈祷.


在圣. 弗朗西斯’ example

Our faculty strive to serve Christ and rebuild the Church through teaching and scholarship that is animated by the Eucharist, 祈祷, and fidelity to the Catholic Magisterium.


As a sign of our commitment to the Church’s faith and in fulfillment of Canon Law, all of our full-time faculty pursue the Mandatum from the local bishop.


课程 & 课程



Compassionate Care Minor

23-24 Course 目录 Requirements



23-24 Course 目录 Requirements


Philosophy Minor

23-24 Course 目录 Requirements



23-24 Course 目录 Requirements


Catholic Studies Minor

23-24 Course 目录 Requirements


Immaculate Conception 教堂 Banner

Experienced faculty who love to teach

Our faculty are dedicated teachers and scholars with expertise in a variety of areas, 如: natural law and moral theology; epistemology and proofs of the existence of God; Scripture and Christology; the life and legacy of St. 弗朗西斯 of Assisi, etc. 


We invite you to explore our faculty bios below and to get in touch with us in order to learn more about our department.


Dr. 丹尼尔Waldow




Assistant Professor of 神学 and Interim Chair

Dr. 泰勒McNabb




Associate Professor of Philosophy

Dr. 布莱恩Besong




Associate Professor of Philosophy


Student Testimonials


Michael Hickey, Student Testimonial


Elizabeth Henderson, Student Testimonial